Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hi all!!
Yesterday was more watching of my "Downton Abbey" !!!  We are on Season 2 now... I'm glad because the girls told me the other night hat Season 3 begins on Jan. 9 !!  What perfect timing... !!
I can't wait to finish so I can pass the CD's on to my sister, Linda.... she will LOVE THIS!!
I think today is going to be an all day "rainy" day!  Good!  We need the rain and it's a good time for it since I will be on this computer most of the day.  Have updates to do on the website for the January retreat!
I found some fun things for today!!!
I am a really big fan of chalkboards... I adore them!!!  I wanted to show you this great message board for in your kitchen.  It's an old cabinet door - turned upside down - so the mustache pull handle will now hold your chalk.  Simply paint the inside panel with chalk paint and you're good to go.  I like how it's sitting on the counter... or... you are free to add a hangar bracket to the back and hang it on the wall.  How cute is this?  These make great gifts too!!!  So easy to make!

I just had to show you this... it's a salted peanut roll they have added a stick to... then dunked it in chocolate.  They could have dunked it a little more... I want chocolate on the entire nut roll!!!  Don't you?  Yummy... Yummy!!!

I thought this was an adorable way to display your Christmas cards... if you get any!  People just don't send cards like they used to... postage is high and the internet has caused the "gift" giving of a card to drop drastically.  I can remember when we were kids... mom and dad received hundreds of cards!  It was always so much fun to see who they were from.  Then she would save the front of the card and use them for package tags the following Christmas!  No wasting at our house!

I love this jar candle.  I appears you can purchase each of these components separately.  I know I can find the jar...just shopping at antique stores.  However, I need to do a little digging to locate the candle holder.  Isn't the way it slips over the lip of the bottle a great idea?  These would look so wonderful in your windows during the holiday... or on your table during the Christmas feast.  No worry about candle wax getting all over everything.

I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have a RED featherweight sewing machine.  The caption under the picture was funny... it read:  "I know I could make much better quilts if I could sew on this baby!"  Ha... I think she is right!  They only made these in black and white.. if you want a colored one...someone has to paint it for you.  I'm game.... anyone want to paint my black featherweight red?  Just let me know!!!

This my friends is what they call a BIG GIRL root beer float!  It has root beer, vodka and whipped cream... topped with a cherry!  I'll take one please... I think it sounds scrumptious!!!  Plus.. I love drinking out of a Mason jar... don't you?  Especially sweet just tastes so much better...for some reason!

hahahahahah... I'm sure someone has played with this picture... adding the hats and stockings... but I just had to show it to you.  Can you imagine if this were real and you were driving down a small country road and looked in the field and saw this!.  I know I would be slamming on my breaks - not believing what I just looked at. 
All the lambs are wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!  (bbbbbbbaaaa....)

Chat with you tomorrow!

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