Monday, December 17, 2012

Good Morning!
What a weekend!  Friday evening we heard the horrible news about our sweet young children and teachers that were slain.  God Bless the town, the families, and the world.... how tragic.... just think...those little ones were the ages of my two sweet granddaughters.  It's been hard to sleep this weekend... 

I haven't been motivated to do much this weekend...we watched movies and just enjoyed being with each other....
Hey... I did find something that may trip your memory banks (for those of you around my age) of when you were a little girl!!!  LOOK!!!
These barrettes are so pretty.... I sure wish I had them today.  What a fun, fun collection! 

Then... when I saw this...I burst out laughing!!!  I remember my older sister, Linda, had one of these.  You would wear them with a simple button-up cardigan sweater.  Then add your rabbit fur collar!  I love the pearls hanging from this one... I don't think hers had any pearls! 

Now...this is really, really clever!!!  Can you see putting your kids in this shirt when they are fighting?  I LOVE IT!!!!  Why didn't I think of that when mine were small!!!

I think this is such a clever way to dress up a cabinet!!  They are normally made with the toe kick (set back so you don't kick the cabinet).... you simply add the decorative piece and the fake little legs and it looks like an upscale cabinet!  VERY CLEVER!!! 

Wow... I couldn't remember if I posted this before.... if so... I apologize!  We are to stuff our pin cushions with the finest steel wool we can find.  Then as we insert our pins and needles... it helps to keep them sharp!  I like this idea too!!!  I did check out the steel wool at the store.  Most of the packages come with several different grades - the smallest one is included...but I'm not sure if just that amount of steel wool will be enough.. may have to buy multiple packages if we can't find it sold separately!

Don't you just love the clam shell quilt?  I sure do!  The color combinations they have used on this one are beautiful.  I think I'll add this to my TO DO list... you know... that list of quilts you JUST HAVE to make during one's lifetime!  There is just something to be said about the old style of traditional quilts.... LOVE THEM!!!

This is our FEEL GOOD photo for the day....!!!  I know many of you may get the creeps from this... but I've never seen a tiny baby squirrel before... it's so tiny... and mommy is taking good care of it!
Yes... they are in the rodent family (sorry Karen....) but I love squirrels!  We have tons of them in our back yard and they are just so interesting to watch... especially when they all play together.... it's a hoot!!!

Today I'm working with Heather on our web site... getting ready for our Camp Blanding class and room registrations... we have to test it over and over to make sure it will work right for everyone.  Then.... it's time to get busy on some of my quilts... I have 3 of them started and they must get finished.  I've just had not "get up and go" lately!!!  I need some GO-GO juice!!!
Have a fun day.... keep busy... get your shopping all done.. packages all wrapped!  Christmas is JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!
Hugs to all!

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