Friday, December 14, 2012

Hi everyone...
I don't want to scare you ... but do you realize we only have 11 days until Christmas.  I guess I had better get busy this weekend and finish up my shopping... then do some wrapping!!
Guess what I heard this morning?  I'm the only one here and I'm in my office... but I could hear noise in the other room.  I jumped out of my chair and snuck into the sewing studio...walking ever so quietly... then I spotted what was the "noise maker"!!  I looked out the glass door onto the deck and here are 3 of the sweetest kittens.... playing... jumping all over each other.  Waaaahhhhh... I feel so sorry for them.  They look very healthy... very happy... but they are WILD!  No way will they let me come near them.  I sure hope they will be okay... so sad... I haven't seen MOM... but I know she must be around.  Two of them are coal black and the third is a grey tabby.  I just checked on them...they are GONE!  Wahhh.. I want to hold them so badly!    SO DARN ADORABLE!!
This afternoon is our "Friday Sewcial" at Cinnamon's Quilt Shoppe.  I haven't been in some time so it will be good to see the gals.  I love to go sew but I sure hate dragging everything there.  UGH!!  Maybe I'll just do handwork... so much easier.
Check out this Santa... Wow.. would I love to own him.  So unusual.... in a good way!  I love that he is making toys.... because that's just what Santa does!!!

You know... I don't know why I fight it... Here's the deal... I try and like different styles of decorating... but I always come back to the "homey" style... like this... I would love to have these STAR shutters... I could even put them on both sides of MY FIREPLACE right now.  The garland hanging from the mantle is pretty wonderful too. 
I guess my love for this look must have come from our home when we were little.  We didn't have primitives...but we did have the warm feeling in the house. 

Ha... I want a mailbox like this one!  Isn't this a Hoot!!  Can you just see the expression on the mailman's face the first time he drives up to this bird!  I can hear him laughing right now!
This would surely be a great way to direct people to your house... "just pull in where you see the rooster mailbox" !! hahahahahaha!

I love this idea.... Hanging stockings on the back of your chairs.  They would make great gifts for your guests wouldn't they?  It would be even more wonderful if they were filled with little surprises. 

I just found this looks like the little grey kitten I just saw... see what I'm saying... isn't he adorable?  And guess what else?  Jack just came home from working in the gym and he's purchased a bag of kitty chow to feed them!  What a softy he is.... so we now have a pan of kitty food on the deck.  He told me he just can't bare to see a sweet animal go hungry... !  Don't kid yourselves...he loves those little kittens!

And... to give you all a giggle and good feeling.... how about these baby toes? !!!  Such a cute picture.

Well... I'm off for another cup of coffee and to eat some breakfast.  Then it's time to gather my sewing and get the day going!  Everyone have a super weekend... hope you get shopping completed, packages wrapped....
Chat with you on Monday!

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