This is Harriett.... my wonderful kitty friend.... She is now 11 years old and may not see her next birthday! What a pill she has been. She escaped (we left the garage door up)outside (she's an indoor kitty) one morning (very early!!) and before I realized it - around 10:00 am .... it was too late. I could find her NO WHERE.
I was so worried about her.... she has no front claws and has NEVER been outside before. I don't even know if she would know what kind of critters she could catch and eat ... I called and called ... tried all kind of tricks to get her to come home.. no Harriett. Then one day (one week later) I decided to give up and put her kitty dishes away ... she wouldn't be using them again (sniffle). Well, wouldn't you know it.. Heather and Lexie were at the house in the afternoon and I could see a kitty on the patio (looking through louvered blinds) but it didn't look like her ... Heather ran to the patio door... and THERE SHE WAS! Very timid... almost didn't want to come in (what a silly girl... she must not have remembered this is where the food is...). Finally she let me pick her up and she felt like she weighed "like nothing"... so skinny!
Let me tell you something... she meowed for a long time. I don't know if she was "telling me off" because she got left outside or if she was telling me of her adventures. Whatever... she certainly had alot to say! Plus.. she didn't act hungry or thirsty... she wasn't dirty ... she had been outside for a week... I'm thinking she may have gotten locked in somewhere... oh who knows?
I sure wish we knew how to speak "kitty language"... I'm sure she had some stories to tell me.
I sure wish we knew how to speak "kitty language"... I'm sure she had some stories to tell me.
MINNEAPOLIS QUILT MARKET - WOW.... what a great time I had. I was with Bonnie Blue Quilts and a little with Blue Hill Fabrics. They had tons of help and I felt more in the way than anything else. I did get to walk the floor, see my favorite vendors and was inspired and ready to begin more of my designs! I love market... if you're a quilt shop owner and you don't go to market... GO!!! It will make your heart dance with joy, inspire you, and give you tons of new ideas for your store and your customers. I often hear shop owners say "I can't afford to go"... well sister (and brothers) YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO!! If you shop the market and attend classes, you will gain so much knowledge that you can implement in your store that will make it grow and be even more wonderful than it already is! There!!! That was my soap box for the day!
Since I've returned I'm a wild woman in my quilt studio... I already have ideas for new quilts - here are the names I've picked "Coming Home", "Flight of the Swallows", "Freedom Ring", "Pop Clyde's Bowties", "Pink Delight", "Town Square", "Good Morning!", and then I want to make new samples of Only A Few Hours and Pretty Pots A Plenty! Do you think I have enough to keep me busy! Egads!!! I'm a crazy woman! But LOVE IT!!
I'm off to run errands and have lunch with Cathy Peters!
Happy creating and remember "Celebrate Handmade" !!!