Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Ok...that's not all... I will soon be announcing two dates to select from for an AWESOME "TRIP" RETREAT! Plus... we are also working on a retreat to the mountains. Can you tell I'm in the RETREAT MODE? I love them... !!! So much fun. If you've never been on a retreat... you owe it to yourself to take one.
Oh... and I'm working on a new quilt that will be sent to a new magazine.. they asked us at the Houston Market to submit a primitive project or quilt for the debut issue. Of course, they are getting A LOT of submissions so I hope ours gets picked.
This Friday is my Christmas Party... ! I've invited all of the OGC Gals to my house for fun, good food, laughs, and PRESENTS!!
But I must get busy!!!.. I have more quilts and projects to design.... I'm just a busy little beaver.....
Chat with you soon!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thanksgiving is over.....
However, this year is different. Below you will see some of the areas I have finished.
They will look smashing in my quilting studio. I have it decorated with my blue transfer ware collection and my children's antique chalk slates (another silly thing I collect)!

Oh... and look below!!!!
This isn't a very good picture... but I wanted you to get the color palette of my project for the new magazine "Primitive Quilts and Projects". It's debut issue will be April 2011. The 3 gals that are the heartbeat of the magazine are all sisters! They are super, great gals. We had so much fun with them at market! They've asked tons of primitive designers to submit their quilt and/or project by January 21. From the entries they receive, they will pick 15 for the first magazine. Heather is also sending in one of her wonderful mohair creations. So... keep your fingers crossed, say a prayer for us... that we get chosen! There is stiff competition that's for sure! As my quilt progresses... I'll give you a few sneak peaks!

My Santa's wanted to say "HI!" to everyone! The primitive look...that's what I love!!! The more grungy looking the better!! My favorite Santa's are from Alta's Heirlooms. I have had them for quite awhile... I wonder if she still makes them? I'll have to check into that and see. She was always at our gift market in Pennsylvania. She and her husband used to make them together. They have the most wonderful sculpted faces! Ok... I just checked and she is still making her Santa's. Go to this link and you'll be so surprised. She also makes wonderful ornaments and bears!! They are a bit on the pricey side... but trust me... worth every penny!
More of my little friends. What's up with all my dolls and Santa's? As I was digging everything out of their boxes... I giggled... maybe I didn't get to play with dolls enough when I was little and that's why I'm still so attracted to them.... ya think?... I'm just sayin' !! Oh who cares... I love them and that's that!
I love to decorate all over the house... this is in my kitchen. I'm a lover of ironstone... pitchers, platters, plates... you name it.. I love it. The more patina the pieces have on them the better I like them. The middle section with the little white bundle... that's from my "popcorn" tree. It bloomed one time in over 12 years... this is all I got out of it!!! I treasure these little fellows! Every year after this blooming time... the popcorn was black... you know... the look you get when you leave your popping bag in the microwave too long? Wheeewwwoooo... stinky!
I also love to take bottle brush trees and put them in pitchers... they look just like it grew there. My little black boxes are reproductions of holiday cocoa, tea, etc. Too cute!!
It's time to heat up those turkey leftovers! They are so good....!!! That's the best part of Thanksgiving.. those days of eating what's left. Let's see... the fudge is all gone, the pumpkin pie is all gone, no more stuffing, no more deviled eggs, boo hoo.... I guess it's back to the normal meals! Hey... how come we don't fix turkey more than twice a year? Isn't that silly? I think I'll have to just make that happen... cook gobble, gobble more than twice! What a novel idea. It's now on to my sewing machine... the Christmas decorating will be worked on more tomorrow! I'll send you more photos.
Night all!! Sleep tight! Dream sweet dreams... AND REMEMBER...
"Celebrate Handmade"
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Wow...what a great day!!
Being creative can be a messy job! Can you relate? I have tons of notes, all of those cool things you see in magazines that you've torn out (with all intentions of putting them in notebooks in categories...ya...right!), drawing pad, pencils, pens...whew! Before I know what happens my sewing room or desk looks like a cyclone hit it.
I've been designing a new block of the month. It's called "Living in America". As each block is finished (in wool applique), I'll post it here on my blog... you will see a quilt actually come together as we chat. So... with that in mind... here are my first several blocks.....
GGGGrrrrr.... there's something wrong with the upload of pictures into my BLOG.. they just sit there with the little "thinking wheel" spinning around and around! Have I told you how frustrating comuters are??? (a...uuuummm.... I am a hollow reed.... trying to calm down!)
Well on to other things!
Everyone keep your fingers crossed and say a big prayer for me... I'm calling a fabric company with 4 new ideas for fabric! It's quite challenging to come up with new ideas that no one hasn't already thought of! This fabric could be AWESOME... for that old soft antique look... ! I'll keep you posted on how the challenge progresses.
I'm also working on another retreat!! This one is totally different and will be SO MUCH FUN!!! Stayed tuned... there will only be 16-18 slots (especially for you primitive lovers) so when I email it out... hang on to your knickers and if you even think you want to come... REGISTER! More to come..... (have I peaked your interest?) Keep watching......
I'll keep working on the photos!!!!
Happy sewing... and remember "Celebrate Handmade"!!!
Hugs to all........... Gloria
Monday, November 1, 2010
Market is Over!!!
Exciting things happened... We had Quilter's Home magazine ask for us to send camera ready photos to them of our block of the month quilt - Southern Gathering. They also want our block of the month rug, Summer Things!
Several quilt catalog companies asked for patterns!!
A new magazine is about to come to life for all of us primitive lovers! We've been asked to send in a quilt or project. I already know which one I'm sending... It's called Potato-Tomato !!! A wonderful red and brown quilt. Deep dark colors that I love. Heather is going to send in one of her primitive bears or rabbits also. So exciting!
United Notions (Moda) wants me to send them one each of our patterns! Now that is something!
Tomorrow morning we are heading back to Florida. Up early for a head start on avoiding the Houston morning traffic. We will be stopping at one of our favorite antique stores to pick up a green bed (with great patina - rust) . We're going to use it to photograph two new patterns we will be working on for 2011 - Thanksgiving and Christmas. They will debut at spring market in Salt Lake City! This green bed will be awesome for a primitive look with our new quilts. I can't wait to get started on them.
I'm off to pack my suitcase and hit the sheets... very tired! Fun Market.... tired body!
Happy November to all! Gosh... Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner.
Hugs to all... Gloria
Sunday, October 17, 2010
It's almost here!!

Southern Gathering -
We'll have all of these on the website soon!

The pastel sample on the church pew is Cathy Peter's! This is shabby chic from the word GO. It matches her sewing room perfectly.
This is a super pattern to cut all your scraps up as you go. We have one finished in all plaid homespuns. It's aweome... guys really love that one.

I had a great time making this piece... and it can be a Blue Ribbon winner for you too!!
It's very easy to use wool colors that compliment your quilt or bedspread!

Star Stepping
This is a great pattern... if you want a small table topper... just make one section and you're all set!
Santa is Com

It's a great quilt for the family to use during the holidays!

Princess Charming
This sample is with BlackBird's beautiful fabric. I just couldn't resist with the soft colors. They look so pretty with lace shams and
sweet pillow cases.

This quilt added to my collection of blue and white quilts,
look absolutely stunning in my shabby chic primitive yellow cabinet.
I found this cabinet in Georgia and it just had to come home with me.
This quilt is gorgeous on a table...with that fancy border.... yes ma'am... its gorgeous!

Only a Few Hours
Vicky has made tons of these quilts... from soft pastel to primitive to reproduction. They all look super.
It's a fast quilt to make for a gift and is a great size!

New Arrival
For a different look, use wool for your applique fabric! Great texture and a super primitive look.
Well.. that's it... that's what we will have at market in Houston. We are going to decorate our booth with antiques and hopefully sell them while there! Only one trick... you can buy but you can't have them until be break down at the end of the last day!.
In my next posting, I'll show you some pictures of the things we will be taking with us.
Chat with you soon!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
August is almost OVER!!!
Friday, July 23, 2010

Pretty Pots A Plenty is now finished at the quilters and Vicky is in the process of binding this sweet thing! I love this quilt... it reminds me of an old fashioned quilt that is on top of a big thick feather down mattress... you hop in bed, sink into the mattress and cover up with this luscious thing... aaahhh... doesn't that sound wonderful?
I'm currently piecing two new quilts... "Flight of the Sparrows" and "Southern Gathering" Block of the Month. I'm so excited to get them finished... first to see how they look all together and second... I'm ready to move on to a new project and/or design.
My next project is going to be a bed runner... you know... the kind they have in the hotels.. that lies at the food of your bed for decor. Actually... they have those on the bed for you to place your suitcase on to empty... that way the coverlet stays clean longer... kind of like when you unpack on the cruise ships. I'm making mine with wool applique.. and there better be NO SUITCASES placed on it!! I'll post a sketch of the design when I get to that point.
I'm off to sew... yippee!!! Have a happy day and remember... "Celebrate Handmade"!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Eeeeekkk... It's July already!!

I'm sorting through my sewing studio and fillin' em up!!
Stay well, stay busy and "Celebrate Homemade" !!
Later... Gloria
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Oh My Gosh !!!!

I sure wish we knew how to speak "kitty language"... I'm sure she had some stories to tell me.
I'm off to run errands and have lunch with Cathy Peters!
Happy creating and remember "Celebrate Handmade" !!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
What a great day!!
Chow... Gloria
p.s. Yippee!!! It's raining today... do we ever need it!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Breakfast Sausage Apple Pie
Breakfast Sausage apple Pie - (makes 2 pies)
1 lb Oscar Mayer Pork Sausage Links (you may want more sausage - this only gives you about 6 links per pie)
1 - 11-oz package (box) pie crust mix
1 - package Deep Dish Pie Crust (2 per pk)
2 - 1 lb 4 oz cans apple pie filling
2 - cups (4 oz) shredded processed American cheese (you can use slices - 3 to 4 per pie)
1 - cup brown sugar, firmly packed
Cook pork sausage links; drain on paper towel. Meanwhile, bake deep dish pie crusts for 10 minutes at 375. Pour apple pie filling into each baked crust. Arrange cooked sausage, spoke fashion on pie filing, sprinkle with shredded cheese (or slices).
Topping: combine brown sugar and box of pie crust mix. Sprinkle evenly over two pies. Return pies to oven and bake 25-35 minues or until crust is golden brown. Makes 6 servings.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Look at this!!!

I can't even tell I have a cutting counter.... is that my ironing board?... Hey...where is the keyboard to my computer? Heck....who cares....I'm on my way to hook!!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010
The place is down to it's empty bones. Today we had the kitchen cabinets leave the building along with all of our pegboard. Tables, silks, beds, cabinets...they all made their exit. Soon I'll make mine... I know.. it's only a building but when I think of all the fun times we had in there it's a real tear jerker for me. However... I will not dwell on this sadness... I will make everyone happy again by planning events, designing, sewing and .... gosh... I can actually go shopping now! What's that?
Hugs to all....!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Now tell me... who doesn't love making 1/2 square triangles? Each large block will be 18"! With borders it should finish somewhere around 100" x 118".... just the way I like them! BIG!!!!
H-m-m-m-m... I'll have to come with a great name for this quilt!! It's full of flying geese... they seem to be flying around the center block! How about helping me to name this quilt? Let me know what you think!! If I pick your quilt name, I'll send you a pattern when it's finished ... FREE!!!
Later.... Gloria
Monday, April 26, 2010
We're back home....

Wow... what a whirl wind trip we had to Paducah! The show was over before we knew it. We had a great time... we stayed in a lovely home with Gayle and her husband. It was nestled in a wooded area... big white house - long front porch with beautiful wicker furniture with stuffed pillows, flowers everywhere, beautiful ferns, and the most gorgeous antiques I've ever seen! We felt like we were queens. Look at our beds we slept in!!! Aren't they awesome? She had a beautiful table set for us each morning and fixed our breakfast! aaaahhhh.... lived like a queen for a week!

Our booth was located in the Pavilion in Paducah. It's a GREAT, BIG white vinyl bubble tent! It's like living inside a marshmellow! It was bright and cheery and perfect for large events. We were also in a film... eeeekkk.. I'm not a fan of having my picture taken.

We went to dinner with our "show buddies"! What wonderful gals they are... I've never laughed so much in my life! They were from South Dakota, Texas, Iowa, and New Hampshire. It's so sad... we won't be seeing them again... it was a very tearful departure. We have promised to keep in touch with each other through our blogs and emails.
This is the last week of open hours for the store. Thursday and Friday we will be closed - preparing for the auction on Saturday, May 1. I'm praying I will not be a blubbering mess... time will tell. I do want it to be fun for everyone... that's the only way to go... having a good time.
While I've been gone Katie Puckett has been working on my Block-of-the-month rug design! She's getting it drawn on monks cloth. Then we will pick the color palette!! That's the part I love! Once we get that all set, I'll be able to put it on the website and blog and get gals signed up! So exciting!! While I was at the show my creative side of my brain went crazy! I sketched so many new ideas I was dizzy!!! eeeekkkk.... now to get them to paper and samples made! I think I'll also have it designed as a quilt! oooohhh.... with wool applique!! I'm liking it!
My goal.... this is a big one.... is to have a good supply of new patterns along with their samples to show at the Houston Fall Quilt Market in October! Whew... here's hoping I meet that goal! I know I sure have alot of work ahead of me. I'll keep you all posted on the ideas so I can get your feedback!
Well... it's off to unpack and do some laundry... and hit ther sheets early! I'm a tired girl!!
Chat with you soon!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010 we come!!
It's also hard to believe than in just two short weeks, the store will close. I can't even imagine how I'm going to feel when I walk out the door for the last time and lock it. My heart is just simply broken. However, I do know that God has plans for me and I'm movin' on! I have so many ideas that I want to design... I know I must be scaring poor Heather to death. You see... she's a big part of my designs... I love her talent..hhhmmmm.... did she get that from me? HA!!!
We think Lexie is going to be artistic too... you should have seen the stick figure she drew on Friday... without any of us helping her. It had fingers and toes... Heather was shocked. What a sweet little girl...!!
My suitcases are packed, our goodie snacks (for in the van) are ready... tomorrow morning bright and early ... I'm off to pick up Jill and off we go! I always have to prepare hand projects to work on while we're in the van. I just prepared another wool block that I'm designing for a block of the month quilt. It's pretty drop-dead-gorgeous. Whatcha think? I can't wait to get started on it. I use a whip-stitch applique method with silk thread... you can't even see the stitches. LOVE IT!

Also... today Jack (my hubby) brought the Olde Green Cupboard to the house. I have it full of quilts already with my pretty red/brown/cream star quilt hanging over the door. It looks so pretty in the house.

That's all I have for today... I'll keep you posted while in Paducah!!
Remember - "Celebrate Handmade"
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The other great part of this trip is I get to stay with my Bonnie Blue friends - Paula and MaryEllen!! They are such a hoot and so much fun!
Wish me luck.... hope I sell a bunch for them!!
Chat with you later.... Gloria
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Later.... Gloria
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 should see the store!
We love you all and will keep you posted on our plan of events over the next few months!
Spring is here!!! LOVE IT! Today was gorgeous!!
"Celebrate Handmade"
Monday, February 22, 2010
We're on the road again....
Have fun... visit the gals at the shop and.... remember...
"Celebrate Handmade"
p.s I designed two wonderful patterns this weekend...small projects with wool.
Glo and Jill
Friday, January 15, 2010
Oh My...I'm so excited!!!!
They are now in the process of starting on my second line - Nests of Plenty !!!
I'll keep everyone posted on the progress.... sitting on pins and needles!!
Thanks for spending time with me today!
"Celebrate Handmade"!!! Gloria
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Check us out!
Talk about some strange very afraid. Lynn was working on her wool penny rug table runner and thought they looked like eyeballs...So everyone decided to get into the act. eeewww...these girls work for me?
Hey Jill.... your rug is looking AWESOME!! Mr. Pumpkin cool! She's a great hooker! HA!
Thanks to all of you that shared our weekend was so much fun!! Good food, good friends, good sewing.... aaaahhh... just doesn't get any better than this.
We are all ready for a GREAT NEW YEAR! 2010 is going to be super for all of us and all of you. We wish everyone good health, good wisdom, and a good love and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Hugs to all...Happy Sewing... Gloria