Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 20, 2012 - Wednesday

YES!!!!  I did get to hold my baby great granddaughter - Aubree... what a sweet baby girl.  I love it when they squeak...and then stretch real big... so darn cute!  Here's an updated photo... (or two)...

Her little eyes are still a little puffy.  Of course...she was asleep the entire time I was there... boo hoo!

Here's her mommy - Elizibeth!!!  She'll make a great mommy...
she loves children!!

They got to go home yesterday... so I think I'll give her a call today and see how they are getting along.  They grow up so fast... I told Elizibeth.. I remember when she was as little as Aubree!!!!  Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... my little boy is a GRANDFATHER!!!!  (whew....this is unbelievable!)

Oh well... it is what it is and we're as  young as we feel.... right?


What a fun day I have going on today!!!  My friend, Denise, has retired from teaching school.  So some of her other teacher pals are giving her a retirement party at Cinnamon's!  We are all going to sew together ... all day... and have lunch together... !!  I can't wait.  They are all such a wonderful group of gals... so much fun to be with!

Then...tonight... it's my favorite show - "So You Think You Can Dance" !!  I love this show... it's so great to see  young people go after their passion and DANCE!  Thank you Nigel.. for producing this show.  It's one of the highlights of my week.  Then...when the choreographers get their hands on the dancers ... some of the dances are simply breath-taking!  You would think I was a dancer... but no... not so much!  Haven't taken a dance lesson in my life.  However, I do love watching it!


Look what I found for today...

I so... so... so... wish I owned these.  They are "frogs" but they are with jars!... for flowers - antique ones.  I think they are so lovely.  Can't you just see sweet daisies in them?  I've never seen this type before... !!!

Now... I've decided this is a pretty smart idea.  We have lots of cutting boards... and they are currently leaning up against the side of the cabinet wall.  However... they are heavy.. and before you know it.. I've moved a pan and they go sliding down all over the place.  I could just have one of these installed and my "sliding" problems would be over.  I think I'll put this on my shopping I can find one the next time I'm out and about!  Then...getting it installed... that's step 2!!!

Ahh... the little red wagon!  Did you all have one?  We did.. only ours was pretty good size.  We used to haul each other around in it... pull it behind our bike... fill it full of toys.  What great times. 
I have one now... a tiny one - remember them?  Well... let me tell you... it is adorable sitting in the middle of your dining room table full of fun things for the season.  Then.. sometimes when we're not using the fireplace... I put it inside  fill it full of white candles and burn them.  It looks so cute... I have an old wooden goose that sits in front of it.  LOVE IT!!

It's also adorable on the front porch full of ferns and geraniums!

Ha!  I thought these were pretty funny for Halloween.  They are oranges with faces painted on them with a permanent market.  What a fun project for your kids to do!  Let's see who can make the scariest face!!  These are all pretty happy little fellows!

Are you on a diet... are you only allowed to have 1 stinkin' cup of cereal (why bother...right?) is a clever idea.  They have applied one of those sticky hooks to the outside and then hung their measuring cup to it!!!  Now...that's pretty darn clever I think.  Why can't I think of time saving things like this? 


Ha... I thought of Toby and all of his "girls"(4 of them!!)  at his house!  You know how girls are...they have to have all of these foo-foo things in the shower...there just is never enough shelf space in a shower to hold everything.  These are little plastic (open weaved) baskets they have attached to the shower hooks.  One for each girl!!!  Isn't this clever????


And last... look at this cutie picture!!!  She's ready to "Ride em Cowboys" isn't she?  I love the baby rolls!!!  They are cute now... but not when she's older... right?

Have a super Wednesday.... enjoy your family and friends!

Hugs to everyone!!


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