We are so excited to have you visit with us and participate in the Marcus Fabrics Friends and Companion Sew-Along! All the designers have been working very hard to make this a fun trip while visiting our blogs and learning more about all of us and Marcus Fabrics.
Guess what? Olde Green Cupboard Designs is your HALF-WAY point!!! Yes...we are your FIFTH stop and we can tell... you are progressing well! Are you having fun? That's what it's all about...fun and SEWING!!

So... with that in mind.... let me tell you about US!!! My twin sister, Vicky (she's on the left), myself (I'm on the right of her) and my beautiful and talented daughter, Heather - are Olde Green Cupboard Designs. We have been in business since 1999 and still love every minute of it. We began with a wonderful store in Jacksonville, Florida and were so blessed with a great staff and super customers. We were voted Top Ten Quilt Shop in 2004 by American Patchwork and Quilting, featured in Country Business Magazine as top Primitive/Country/Antique Store, and Top 20 Quilt Shop from American Patchwork and Quilting - since the magazine began. However, after 10 years... we all retired from the retail side of the business and now we are strictly designers and have our website and blog. Besides designing our patterns and fabric for Marcus Brothers, we have also begun designing primitive home decor/gifts for a wonderful company we've known for over 15 years... living our dream! Then... to top it off - we are retreat coordinators! Now... you tell me... can it be any more fun than that?
Our first line of fabric with Marcus was County Londonderry. The inspiration came from a beautiful antique floral piece we found from a collector - living in Vermont!
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"just a little hint of what's to come" |
Our block for the Marcus Blog Hop was an inspiration from one of my favorites - BASKETS! Yes... I will admit... I am a BASKET COLLECTOR! Not only do I collect - I weave baskets also. I taught weaving in my shop for over 4 years and there have been hundreds of happy gals leaving the store after class with a finished project...! Here are just a two of my favorites...
This large beauty hold many of my quilts!

The one on the right with the double handles is great to use when carrying projects back and forth to your sewing groups. I love large baskets! Just like I love my quilts! BIG! I'll never forget the first quilt I made... it was red, white and blue and HUGE! The instructor was a bit worried I was biting off more than I could chew... but she soon learned... NOT to worry. I finished it in no time!
Now... that you know a little more about Olde Green Cupboard Designs... it's time to show you our block!
But first.... Let's do some cutting of this fabulous fabric from Marcus Fabrics - Paula's Companions Collection.
Cutting Instructions: finished block 8 1/2"
Background (sku 1038-0188)
* Cut 2 - 2 7/8" square - subcut on the diagonal
* Cut 4 - 1 1/2" x 4 1/2"
Black print (sku 1035-0112)
* Cut 4 - 1 1/2" x 2 1/2"
Green print (sku 1702-0116)
* Cut 1 - 2 7/8" square - subcut on the diagonal
* Cut 4 - 1 1/2" x 2 1/2"
* Cut 4 - 1 1/2" x 1 1/2"
Cheddar (sku 1033-0128)
* Cut 1 - 2 7/8" square - subcut on the diagonal
* Cut 4 - 1 1/2" x 2 1/2"
* Cut 4 - 1 1/2" x 1 1/2"
Piecing Directions: 1/4" seam allowance
Center 4 Patch:
Sew your 4 patch together as shown below with 2 green and 2 cheddar 1 1/2" squares. Press seams OPEN.

Add black 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" pieces to both sides of 4 Patch. Press seams to the black fabric.
Add 2 remaining 1 1/2" squares of both cheddar and green to the ends of the remaining (2) 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" black pieces as shown. Be sure to have the cheddar on the left and green on the right. Press seams to the inside black fabric.
Attach these units to the top and bottom of your 4 patch unit as shown... making sure the top piece has the green on the LEFT and the bottom piece has the green on the RIGHT. This will give you a diagonal green and cheddar chain across the block as shown below. Press seams OPEN.
Finished inside of the basket block!
Now let's finish up the block by adding the basket "body" and "base".
Make two 1/2 square triangle units - of both the green/background
AND the cheddar/background. Press seam to the dark fabric.
Lie them on a flat surface as in the photo - with the cheddar 1/2 square diagonally across from each other - color side pointing IN and background pointing OUT. Now we'll work on the side units. Be sure your 1/2 square cheddar points to the cheddar square and the green points to the green square.
Piece 4 units together - using green and cheddar - 1 1/2" x 2 1/2"
Press seam to green fabric.
Add background 1 1/2" x 4 1/2" to the previous 4 units.
ATTENTION: be sure to add -
a background piece to the left of TWO cheddar/green unit
a background piece to the right of TWO cheddar/green unit
Press to the light fabric and lay out as shown.
Add the 1/2 square triangle units to the ends of the top and bottom units as shown. (green to green & cheddar to cheddar). Press in to the center of the strip.
Sew these units to each of the TOP & BOTTOM sections - being sure connecting seams meet.
Press seams OPEN.

Visit: www.oldegreencupboard.com to print your hard copy of these directions.
How was that? Can you see the 4 baskets? Now... here is the best thing ever about these great blocks you will be making! When some of us hear "Mystery Quilts" we panic... shake our head and say "NO" I want to know what I'm making... I don't like surprises! Now... I ask this question... don't you like surprises on your birthday? What about opening those packages under the Christmas tree? See..... you DO LIKE SURPRISES!!! When it comes to a mystery quilt... it's all about TRUST!!! Trust in the designers! Then... best of all... when you are finished with this quilt - you will have 9 patterns (blocks) that you can make into a ton of different quilts!!! Let's say you are a lover of basket blocks (like me), here you go... you can make an entire quilt of just this block - in any color of your choice and you too have become a designer! So.. you see... mystery quilts ARE THE BEST!
When you finish this quilt - I challenge you to pick out your favorite block from the group and make a brand new quilt - send me the photo and we'll post it on Marcus's Website! How cool is that?
Now... for PRIZES!!! We all LOVE PRIZES and I'm going to give away 3 of them! You have 3 days to make comments to a question I'm about to ask you.... from those comments, my websites "random generator" will pick 3 comments as the winners!! The morning of September 1, I will post the winners and the prizes you will be receiving!!! So... put on your thinking cap!
Here is my question!
What do you think is my FAVORITE notion/tool
that I use while quilting?
I can't wait to see what you think it is!!!
Next on your blog hop....... is Nancy Rink Designs! Mark your calendar so you won't forget to get visit her blog and
get your next block instructions on September 5, 2015.
get your next block instructions on September 5, 2015.
9/26 Lisa Shepard ~ Marcus Fabrics www.MarcusMentions.com
10/3 Red Crinoline Quilts ~ Quilt Revealed! www.RedCrinolineQuilts.Blogspot.com
10/3 Red Crinoline Quilts ~ Quilt Revealed! www.RedCrinolineQuilts.Blogspot.com
Thanks so much for visiting with all 3 of us today! We hope you enjoy our BLOG and get a chance to take a look at our website: Olde Green Cupboard Designs
Be sure to stop back often to see what new items we have to offer you along with fun retreats!
Keep those machines hummin' !! Gloria, Vicky, Heather
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