Saturday, November 3, 2018

It's Houston Quilt Market Time!!

Good Morning... we are all up and waiting for the downstairs "breakfast area" to open so we can get some COFFEEEEEEE!!!!!  You know... I was going to bring some with me just in case the room didn't have enough for us this early in the a.m.  ……… but I thought... "No"... it's a great hotel and they are sure to have some.  NOT!!!  The room has this funky little pot with a little cassette...weird... and guess what... only ONE!  grrrrrrr…..  You know... you just don't mess with a girl and her morning coffee!!!

This morning we will be off to the Quilt Market for the first day with 3 people that have never been here before and that is soooooo exciting.  I remember my first trip to the quilt market years ago - my heart was pounding.... my knees were shaking.... and I didn't think I could take a deep breath!

We have Rhonda and Bruce Wilkerson from Scrappy Rooster - St. Marys, Georgia with us.  This is their first market and they asked if we come with them to show them the ins and outs.... Then our friend - Wynette (from Camp Blanding) came with us toooooo.  This has always been on her "bucket list" and she can  cross it off!!!!


So.... my mission on this trip is multi... Be the best mentor I can be for Ronda & Bruce - AND find something wonderfully new - you know.... that ONE thing that takes your breath away... that you just get so excited about you can't wait to show it to everyone.   PLUS... Meet all of my quilting friends and colleagues that I've missed over the passed few years.

Here's a few sketches I've been working on....  If you were to see these sketches.... would you rather work them with wool applique?  Embroidery?  Or... may a combination of both?

Let me know your thoughts!!!

We'll be back with more news and hopefully some great photos from market!!!

Gloria & Vicky!!

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