Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Come On Down!!!

This Wednesday morning is FULL of sun and a wonderful temperature outside... lovin' life! 

I wanted to extend an invitation to all of my sewing buddies out there.... I facilitate a "Featherweight Club" one day a month at Cinnamon's Quilt Shoppe here in Jacksonville.  We meet one Sunday a month to 'sit-n-sew' and have a great time together.  It's only $5.00 and we sew from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.  Everyone is responsible to bring their own lunch... and if you choose to... a fun snack for the group.

We all work on our own projects - on our FEATHERWEIGHTS!  Now... I must admit... I've been a little generous and allowed many of you to bring your light weight travel machines (non featherweight) and that's okay too... (even though you are being a rebel...hahahahahaha).

Plus... I'm going to have super easy "mini" instructions for you... If you are interested in joining, you can call and register or let me know.  It's is much easier if you pre-register that way I know what and how many supplies to bring with e on the project materials.

Here are the dates coming up for the Featherweight Sewing Day" 

April 3
May 1
June 5
July 3

If you happen to be a NEW owner of a featherweight... or have one that's been in the closet for sometime and would like to clean, oil and begin sewing on it.  I help with that also!  So dig it out!!!  Was it your mother's, grandmother's.... relative?  What an honor to sew on their machine.  We can even look up the date from the serial number and let you know how hold your machine is!!  Cool huh? 

So... mark these dates on your calendar and join me and a bunch of other great gals for a fun day of sewin', chittin', chattin' and relaxin' !!

See you there!

Gloria Parsons
Olde Green Cupboard Designs

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