Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cutting, cutting, cutting.....

Hi all... what a fun day we had... ! We've been busy getting ready for Sneak Peak this Saturday... finishing our quilts, making our copies for your supply lists... AND.. we're also working on getting new fabric out for you !! Whooooeeee... is it ever wonderful... Free Spirit... great colors... I'm not telling you any more... you'll have to come in and see for yourself. Fabric will be 25% off through next Saturday... yippee!!! Ya gotta love a great sale!

We also worked all day on cutting fabric for more kits that we'll be taking to Nashville in August. It's the last year for the AQS show in Nashville... it will then move to Knoxville in 2009. I guess the Opryland was just getting to expensive and we're movin' on to a new venue! I've never been to Knoxville so it should be fun!!

Here's a picture of our new Block-of-the-Month that we will begin around September....! It's simply gorgeous! The backgrounds you will pick out yourself... we will supply the wool for each block. You will purchase your pattern up front... then you will have the ability to work on collecting your backgrounds for the entire quilt. Primitive Gatherings will be giving me the cost per month soon... I've emailed Lisa and she's calculating the cost for us. I thought it would be easier to have a set price each month than to have it change from month to month due to the amount of wool that is in each block. We'll talk to you more about it at Sneak Peak!
And still... one more block of the month that will be coming to the Olde Green Cupboard. We have chosen a new line of fabric from Moda... Portebello by 3 Sisters. It's absolutely gorgeous and we know you'll love it!! Go to the Moda (United Notions) website and take a peak!! You're gonna love it!
For those of you that live outside the Jacksonville area... make sure you visit our website for you shopping! Heather (my daughter) has been working very hard in adding lots of patterns for you. Soon we'll be adding kits!!! You too can have one of OGC's beautiful quilts!
Check back soon.... we'll keep you posted on all that's happen' at the OGC!!
Happy sewing... Gloria

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