Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Gosh...it's hard to believe that this year is half over already.  It seems like we just put everything away from Christmas!  Time sure goes by fast when you're busy...doesn't it? 

I'm attempting some new photos for you...let's see how I do!!

First of all... Happy Independence day!  To each of you!

Look at this sweet picture of my new GREAT granddaughter - Aubree !!

Don't I look like an adorable little Red Riding Hood?  The sweetness of newborns sleeping is just incomparable to anything else.

Don't you love my sweet flower?

And... I'm going to learn to love pearls...
Just like my Great-Grandma Gloria !!!

But for now... I'm just going to sleep and rest and grow....

She's the love of my life and I can't wait to kiss her sweet little cheeks.  I'm making a trip to see her this week... and I can't wait!!!  I can just hear her "squeaking" now... and stretching her sweet little body.  I love to look at their tiny toes too!!!  My hubby says it looks like they've attached little balls of dough to the end of their foot!

Here we are at Primitive Gatherings.  I wanted to show you the beautiful landscaping they have completed around the house!  Lisa and her mom love to garden and it sure shows!

This arbor is to the right of the front porch!  Isn't the brick pathway beautiful... flowers blooming everywhere!

This is from the front porch looking out into the front yard.  It's kind of hard to see... but in the center of the tall grass is a Wine Bottle Tree !!!  Yes... that's right... a Bottle Tree!  it's yard art that is so cool.  It has metal prongs that stick out and you put pretty bottles on it.  Now... I can say... that we added MANY, MANY bottles to that tree!! (if you get my drift...)

This little arbor is just across from the drive way and the front steps into the house.  Dummy me.. .I didn't even take a picture of the front of the house... DUH!!!

This is our 15 passenger van that we took on our little shop hop!  Of course... once you get it filled with people... there is NO ROOM for packages... and let me tell you... the 13 of us SURELY helped the economy in Wisconsin!  We had to drive the mini-van just to hold all of the fun stuff we bought too!

Here the girls are ... relaxing on the NEW back patio!  It was so beautiful... we even barbecued chicken (thanks Lynn and Sheila).  It was so wonderful to sit on the patio in the early morning and evening and enjoy the beautiful flowers and BUNNIES!!!!  Oh my gosh... they have so many bunnies!  I counted up to 6 in the back yard at one time.  They've recently built a garden in the back yard and had to build a fence all the way around it so their yummy vegetables wouldn't be eaten.

This is (left to right) Cathy Peters, Lynn Rogers (she celebrated her birthday while we were there - Susan made a "killer" banana pudding for her), Virginia Beck, and Lynn Graham!  If you peek inside the window you can see Susan and Lisa Bongean (in the hat) sewing!!!

Needless to say... the weather was HOT!  I truly thought it would be cooler than down here... but NO... we had to take the stinkin' hot weather with us!  Blah!!!

Here are two pictures of my patterns!  It's always a shock to see my patterns hanging in some one else's store!  Very Exciting!!

We found this adorable project at the shop and a bunch of us bought the kits and began working on them while at the retreat.  Isn't it adorable?  I'm going to work on mine more today... we're all going to get our flowers sewn on and then get together to put the body together.  It appeared to be a bit challenging so we thought 6-8 heads together figuring it out would be so much more helpful!

Here are some photos of the store... It's so fabulous!!

Well...that's the tour for today... Thursday I'll have some pictures of our trip to JJ Stitches!!!  Another wonderful quilt shop!  LOVED IT TOO!!!  It's a good thing I don't live in Wisconsin... I would be in ssssssssooooooooooooo much trouble!

Hugs to all... I'll post on July 5 - tomorrow is BARBECUE DAY!!  Yippee!!

Happy July 4th to everyone! 


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