Friday, August 31, 2012

aaaahhhhhhhhhhh...........  The last day of August... it always reminds me that Fall is just around the corner - my favorite time of year.  I can remember when living on the farm as a kid... all the work that FALL involved!!  OMG...we had so many HUGE maple trees in our yard... !  All three of us girls would spend DAYS (seemed like years) raking the yard - then Daddy would burn the leaves. 
The only fun part of the job was getting to jump in the HUGE piles we would make.  Then we would scream and scream if the wind picked up and blew them all away again.  I can remember our kitty, Taffy, playing with us.  He would jump in the piles and then pretend he was hiding. My favorite was to make BIG piles near our tree swing... we would swing real high - then jump out of the swing into the leaves!  It's a wonder we didn't break an arm or leg!  Kids are so carefree aren't they... not afraid of anything!  It's so great.
I had a busy, busy, busy day yesterday (on the computer)!  I had all of the people that are attending the September Camp Blanding Retreat signing up on my website for their rooms and meals.  What a HOOT some of you are!!!  I love your sweet emails and comments.  It makes the day sitting in this chair so much more pleasurable!
Well, since it's fall I decided to find you some of my favorites!!  These next few ideas are so easy.... YOU CAN DO IT!
Now how cute is this... and it's so stinkin' simple.  Find a large pumpkin that sits FLAT - cut off the top portion and dig out the insides.  Fill it with ice and pop in your orange soda and root beer.  How "fallish" for your party!

Now... if you can tie a knot... you can make this pumpkin!  It's a simple ball of string with jute twine wrapped around the outside to give it dimension.  Find an old stick in the yard - jam it in the center and add some leaves.  BOOM!!  You have an adorable pumpkin!! (I LOVE white pumpkins!)

This is stinkin' CUTE!!!  I remember these sweet rakes!  We all had our favorites on the farm... many a blister did I get from using one of these sweet things.  Now you can hang it upside down on your door!  Get some bittersweet and vines... tuck inside and intertwine around the rake... add a raffia bow and your door is stylin' !!! 

Now... I know we all can't be talented like florists and make these beautiful arrangements.  However, my little granddaughters can make this!  Buy a vine wreath (they are everywhere in the fall) lay it on your table.  Add some bittersweet or "fallish" looking garland, then sit a beautiful pumpkin in the middle.  They've even tucked in some smaller pumpkins and Indian corn.  How simple and divine! (did I sound like Martha Stewart?... 0h no... it's Candice Olsen from HGTV!!!  She loves the word "divine"!!)

Then... we have the simple pumpkin!!  Guess how they made it look polka dot?  Huh...?  Have you figured it out?  YEP... you are so CORRECT!  They drilled holes in it after they cleaned out the inside!  Stick a candle inside and you have LIGHT!  Wouldn't these look cute sitting on steps up to your front door?  OR... lining your driveway?  (I'm just sayin')  You could be the talk of the neighborhood!! (good talk that is...)

Okay...that's all I have for you today!  Are you in the fall spirit yet?  That reminds me... I need to dig out my decorations and get busy with them!  Now...hhhhhmmmmm... I wonder where Jack put them in the garage?  Oh boy...that could be an issue....
Happy Friday to everyone!  Hope you have a fun Labor Day Weekend!  I'll see you on Monday!

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