Friday, August 3, 2012

Good Morning!

Well... today is Friday!  We have a busy day planned... going out for breakfast (they are anxiously waiting for me to finish this blog) then to the grocery.... you know...all those fun things.

Today... it's all about scales!  LOVE THEM!  Do you?  Or haven't you ever thought about them?  They look so darn cute in your kitchen and they are great fun to decorate with.  Look what I found!

How stinkin' cute is this?  They have a yummy candle sitting in greenery!  Can't you just smell this burning?  Now me... I'm all for the candles that smell like food!  Yes... FOOD!  You know... cinnamon buns, grandma's sugar cookies, gingerbread.... OMG!!!  I remember this lady that came into the store... she was in her 70's - as cute as a button!  She loved our candles...especially the "food" scented ones.  She said to me "You know, these candles smell so good, make me feel so hungry... I could just eat them... but them I'd have to go around all day with a waxy upper lip!"  Isn't that cute?  I sure laughed at her... however, I can totally relate to her logic! we have another favorite - NESTS!!  They are so popular...nests and birds.  I love how they have this little one with the eggs sitting on their scale.  Too sweet!

This is the best!  I love these HUGE ones... and how great is this in the back yard as a bird feeder!  Pretty cool how the cardinal blends right in with the red can isn't it?  Isn't nature just the absolute BEST?!!!!

This little vignette is adorable.  It reminds me of my friend Marti!  She loves this look and it's so darn cute in her adorable house in Kentucky!  MISS YOU MARTI!!!  I think it's about time for a road trip to go see her!!

Now...this one is for my friend Paula!  We talked about daisies when I was at her house.  She loves them and hopes someday that one of her daughters chooses DAISIES for the wedding flowers!  They are so "fresh, crisp, and fun" - don't you think?

And look at this last one!  Isn't this a scream?  Now... if you didn't want to display your toilet paper in this manner... how cute would it be with pretty towels rolled up and placed in the bowl?  I think this is adorable!  (Did you notice how they tied twine around the rolls of paper... now that's class!)

Let's now talk "packaging"!  I think it's so amazing how clever people are with the way they wrap gifts.  The great part... it doesn't have to be expensive! 

Now... how pretty and "classy" is this?  Newspaper,  black and white ribbon, twine, and it looks like rosemary!  Then they've added a photograph as the tag.  I just think it's wonderful.  I wouldn't want to open it...

Then... we have a simple cardboard box wrapped with corrugated cardboard, simple lace ribbon with a jingle bell and a holly leaf (from your yard).  Looks very organic and I love it!

Then... here's a great fall wrapping!  Brown paper, jute twine, some twigs and a few fall leaves (also from your yard).  Nature here we come!  Doesn't this just scream FALL YA'LL???

Let's all challenge ourselves to be "thrifty, and clever" when it comes to wrapping!  I even love the packages you see where they tie up their boxes with old clothing patterns - tied with a tape measure!  Now how wonderful would that be to receive?


Well, that's it for the day... the "home front" is screaming for breakfast.  PLUS... I will be "out of pocket" until Thursday morning.  Vicky and I are going on a little trip to Vermont and we will not have access to the Internet!  Boo Hoo!..

So... I'm on break for a few days...

Everyone keep sewing... keep crafting... and I'll be sure and chat with you first thing on Thursday morning!!

Happy Days!


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