Monday, February 11, 2013

Fun Stuff to see!

Happy Monday to you!

Where did the weekend go?

I went to lunch and a movie yesterday with some of my Barnett Bank working buddies.  It was so good to see them.  We had a  yummy lunch then went to see Identity Thief!  It didn't get very favorable ratings...but I thought it was a hoot!  We all loved it...laughed during the entire show!  You know...sometimes it's so good to watch a funny, happy movie and not all of the crime, blood and guts!  Whew...that stuff gets so old... 

I was searching around on my favorite site... Pinterest .....this morning and found some great things for us!

I'm working on a design similar to this one... isn't it adorable?  I just love the look of crispy white fabric and these Aunt Gracie colors.  It looks so refreshing... then I love to hang them on the clothesline outside!  They smell so reminds me of when I was little.  Mom loved to hang the laundry outside (or rather... should I say... we hung it out...) for that fresh clean smell!  My flower vine will be from wool!!!  Yes gang... it's another design "in the works" !!!

My new house... it has a small toilet area like this in the Master Bathroom.  What a super idea to use space that is just blank.  Now... if I could talk Jack into doing this!  (that will NOT happen....I can assure you... RATS!)  What a great place to store those items you normally keep in a linen closet that you use once in a blue moon.... don't you think?

I just love this pillow.  The Pinterest photo said it was a Blackbird Design... I'm not sure... but if it is... I sure want to give them credit.  Barb and Alma... this is gorgeous!  So darn sweet!

Now...this is so clever!  For those of you that have tried all of the different tricks on sewing half square triangles in half... drawing lines, pressing in half, using paper, take a look at this!  They have used firm card stock... but not so thick to warp the line... place on your square at the appropriate corners and stitch right down the edge of the paper!  Boom!  You are done.  I think I'll try this.  I'm game for new techniques that are time savers... and let me tell you... drawing lines and/or tearing off paper is VERY TIME CONSUMING!

I saw this quilt top and thought it was so cute.  I simply love the color combinations of teal, white and blue.  It makes me smile... how about you?

This has nothing to do with quilting... but I wanted to show it to you.  Heather and Keck's church has a Father & Daughter dance each year... it was this past weekend.  Isn't this cute?  They have a meal, take their photos together and then the daddies dance with their daughters.  So... so sweet.  Keck seems to be doing most of the dancing... swinging Lexie around.  I wish you could see the expression on her face better... she's laughing so hard!  Isn't it so wonderful when you hear your grandchildren laughing hard... you know ... the one that comes from their bellies.  I just love it... one of the best sounds in the world.

Well.. .I have a TO DO list a mile long today.... Call for moving for picking up house keys... call for the carpet cleaner... and on and on...

It's time for another cup of coffee and to get cracking!!!!  No rest for the weary!

Have a super Monday... hope you get to sew a little!

Hugs to all!!


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