Monday, February 18, 2013

Will they ever all go away?


I'm just tellin' you... there is not one part on my body that doesn't hurt... well... I think the top of my head is okay... but everything else... NOT SO GOOD!  We are all just too old for this kind of work...that's what I have decided.

It's a major celebration when we empty a box!!!  We have a pile of brown...but a larger STACK of browns to go.  It sure packs up faster than it does unpacking doesn't it?  

However, we are making progress... I even cooked dinner in our new kitchen the other night... it was great..lots of space to work.  The microwave is not so hot!!!  It takes longer to get to the temperature you like...I guess it's just getting used to it.  Of may be on it's way to the dumpster never knows.

Jack just hung a 46" TV in our sewing studio!!!  He ROCKS!!!  Now we are trying to get all of the tv's to get a good picture.  Now..he's a pro at this... however, I think we may have to have Comcast return... they are just not right...not crisp and clear like they should be.  Guess what else he did... volunteered that 46" tv for the sewing studio and went out and bought a 55" for the living room.  OMG... I feel like I'm in a movie theatre !!  See...there was a reason for his madness and I'm glad!

Yesterday we all went to the new house along with my girlfriend (Merryanne) and her daughter (Buffy) and cleaned the old house.  Was I ever surprised when I found NO WATER...they had already turned it off and I was not a happy girl.  We did all of the other, blinds, floors (no mopping yet), vacuum, windows, ceiling fans, kitchen cabinets, laundry room (are you tired yet.... I still am).... then Jack contacted the neighbor...she's letting us use her hose and we'll tackle the showers and stove/frig today.  I even have to take a HUGE pot and heat up water so I'll have hot water to clean with.  UGH!!!  What we have to do to get back deposit money.... oh well... it's worth it.  

I met the lady that is moving sweet... and I promised her a beautifully cleaned house...ready to move in!

So...with that in mind... it's time to gather up more cleaning supplies, get some more coffee... and get my butt in gear and head out.

Hopefully, I'll be blogging about much more exciting quilting and sewing topics soon.  Enough of this moving saga!

Hugs to all.... I can't wait to show you pictures of our new "digs"!  


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